How Much Weight Can A Roof Top Tent Hold?


When a person is looking for a roof top tent, they tend to ask some important questions, such as the amount of people that can fit into it, the dimensions of the tent, how fast it can open or close, and even the weight of the tent, given they need to put it over their rack.

Then, we have those who ask how much weight can a roof top tent hold? The answer to this significant question is that it will depend from tent to tent, design to design, dimension to dimension. However, the rule of thumb is that a roof top tent can hold on average 200 lbs per person. Meaning, if the tent has a 3-person capacity, then the tent can hold 600 lbs, as it’s 200 per person that fits.

Now, it’s also very important to understand that each tent design and materials are different, each tent brand is different, and you should always check the tent weight capacity that the manufacturer will give you.

Now, let’s look at some specific and important points when it comes to weight capacity of the tents.


Dynamic Or Static Weight Capacity: Which One Matters?

How Much Weight Can A Roof Top Tent Hold?

By now you’ve probably heard a lot about dynamic and static weight capacity, for the vehicle’s roof, for the vehicle’s rack and even for the tent. We’ve explained this on plenty of other articles, and essentially here’s the answer: dynamic weight rating or capacity is the maximum load a vehicle, rack or tent can carry when it’s moving. The static weight capacity or rating is the maximum weight a vehicle, rack or tent can support when parked, static, or not in motion.

If the dynamic weight capacity is for example 100 lbs, you should never have an item, person or anything weighing more than 100 lbs over that car, rack or tent if you’re going to be driving.

Therefore, if your car has a roof dynamic weight capacity of 200 lbs, make sure that the total weight of the roof rack plus the roof top tent and any other accessory going over the rack, won’t exceed the 200 lbs when driving.

When it comes to the static weight capacity, it normally is three times more than the dynamic weight capacity. Therefore, if a roof rack has a 200 lbs dynamic weight rating, then usually the static weight rating is of at least 600 lbs. This can increase if the roof rack is built with tougher materials such as thicker feet or side panels, or if the rack is installed in a specific way, such as bolting to the vehicle’s mounting points or attaching to the chassis.


Is There A Roof Top Tent Weight Capacity?

Yes there is, and most manufactures or brands of rooftop tents will tell you what the weight capacity is. As mentioned above, usually the maximum weight rating of a roof top tent depends on how many people fit inside of it, with an average of 200 lbs of weight capacity per person. Therefore, if the roof top tent can fit 3 people, it will have a total weight capacity of 600 lbs.

That means that on average, roof top tents have a weight rating ranging from 400 lbs to even 1000 lbs.


Is There A Difference In Weight Capacity Of A Hard Shell Roof Top Tent And A Soft Shell Roof Top Tent?

hard shell roof top tent weight rating

A common question people ask is if there is a big difference or any difference at all between the weight capacity of a hard shell roof top tent and a soft shell roof top tent, to which the answer is not really.

There are minor differences, but they depend on other factors such as materials and construction of the tent. For example, there are very lightweight hard shell tents which have a fairly light base made of a thinner panel. When you compare this to a soft shell tent, or even another hardshell with a base built with a thicker or stronger aluminum base panel, then the weight capacity can vary a little bit.

Do keep into consideration one big and important factor: a hard shell roof top tent that with a side extension, such as the iKamper Skycamp, or a soft shell roof top tent, will require a ladder supporting one of the sides of the tent. Those ladders tend to have a weight rating that varies too, but are around 200 lbs. If you remove the ladder, you can over stress the hinges and the tent’s weight capacity completely changes. You must have the ladder helping with the support.


Let’s Wrap It Up

So, how much weight can a roof top tent handle? The final answer to that question, is around 200 lbs per person that the tent can fit. The tent brand should say it in the manual, and you should not exceed that weight limit.

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  • Are these RTT made in US?

    Joseph Vajko

  • Hello Dave,

    Yes there are plenty of tents offering the annex, and you can purchase awnings separately. Here’s an option:

    Karsten Koberg

  • Do any RTT’s offer an annex &/or awning?


  • Check out Camp King Industries All Aluminum, 100 percent Australian Made RTT will be at SEMA and Overland Expo East 2018

    Peter Sloop

  • Would like to ask a few questions and hopefully pull trigger soon. Family of 5 total. Hoping to sleep 3 in a Hard RTT and 2 in the back of my 2016 Blacked Out Honda Pilot with OEM side rails on roof.

    1) Pretty sure I’ve narrowed my search down to Ikamper but thought I’d make sure I’m not missing another really great comparable.
    2) Can I primarily just leave this mounted to my vehicle indefinitely, through car washes and through all 4 seasons here in Orem, UT near SLC?
    3) If I pulled the trigger ASAP any estimated delivery date for a black one?
    4) Other items I would need to buy in terms of rack, I’d probably like the awning as well.
    4) Do you accept Paypal or other forms of credit?
    Thank you,
    Scott Hansen (801) 836-6769

    Scott Hansen

  • Hey, if you two show up, it will turn into an “Excellent Adventure” ?


  • Bill, Overland Expo is at the end of September in Asheville, NC. Likely all these tents will be there.


  • are there any overland shows where most of these might be on display? (eastern USA ideally)

    Bill Baldwin