How To Start Overlanding On A Budget


People have an inherent desire to be out and feel connected with nature. It is liberating and immensely satisfying to spend some time away from your familiar surroundings, drive onto foreign tracks, and find respite from routine. It is this intrinsic craving to be nomadic that has made Overlanding adventures popular. 


What Is Overlanding?

Overlanding involves long-distance land travel to remote destinations. 

Unlike camping, Overlanding adventurers do not set up camp on a site. Instead, they sleep in their vehicle, which is typically loaded with everything that they need. The whole experience rouses one’s wild side and deepens one’s self-reliance.

How to Start Overlanding on a Budget


While the idea of Overlanding sounds basic, preparing and going on one can be expensive. 

Fortunately, there are steps you can take to enjoy going on an escapade in your car without having to dig deep into your pockets. 


How To Start Overlanding On A Budget

1. Put Together A Minimal But Reliable Gear Set.

Overlanding is all about self-reliance. To be able to rely on yourself as much as possible, you should pack high-quality essentials. You need a simple but dependable survival kit. The good news is that you may already have everything that you need in your survival kit at home. 

Here are some items to pack: 

Overlanding on a Budget


  • Water And A Water Filter System.

    Bring jugs of water and a water filter device specially made for traveling remote distances. 

  • First-Aid Kit.

    A basic first-aid kit should include gauze pads, bandages, scissors, tweezers, antiseptic solution, latex gloves, and adhesive tape. 

  • Warm Clothes.

    Pack your trustworthy rain jacket, some warm clothes, and socks. 

  • Sleeping Bag.

    Bringing a sleeping bag will help you be well-rested so you are alert the next day and in good condition to enjoy your expedition. 

  • Tow Rope, Battery Jump Jack, And Tire Repair Kit.

    Your vehicle is your transportation and your crash pad when you’re on an expedition. A tow rope, battery jump jack, and tire repair kit are vehicle recovery items that should be a part of your survival kit.


2. Budget Your Fuel.

Instead of spending a huge chunk of your money on expensive gear, spend it on gas instead. To save on gas, make sure you start at the nearest Overlanding destinations to you first. 

Make sure to also do your research so you are familiar with the route to your destination. Bring a map, a GPS device, a compass, and a portable charger for your phone. Join groups on social media, read reviews about the destination, or find vlogs of other people who have taken the same trip for navigation techniques and recommendations. 

Remember that the weight of your vehicle also affects your fuel consumption. This is why it’s important to only bring items that you absolutely need and can use for multiple purposes. 


3. Get Organized.

Staying organized while you’re out on an expedition will help you keep a presence of mind. When you keep your stuff in the right place, you are also least likely to lose things or make unnecessary purchases along the way. 

Load up your car using a roof rack to keep your possessions safe and secure no matter how tough the road gets! Off Road Tents makes well-built and easy-to-install roof racks for different types of vehicles.

How to start overlanding on a budget

Pack your things using a bag with many compartments. Make sure to put things back in the right place to stay organized throughout the trip. Bring a laundry bag with you so that you can separate dirty or wet clothes from clean ones. 


4. Bring A Shovel.

A shovel is a simple tool that everyone has at home. It also comes in handy when you’re on an off-road trip. Use it to put out a fire, excavate tires, or dig a hole for a latrine. 


5. Ration Your Food Wisely.

Carry food that does not easily spoil and can provide you with lots of energy. Ration your food according to your daily meals even before you hit the road. This will help you make sure you have enough until the end of your trip. 

Where you store your food will also make a big difference. You don’t need to spend on an outdoor or portable fridge. A trusty cooler will do a good job of keeping your food fresh when you’re on the road for several hours.


Final Thoughts

There is no reason to miss out on the fun and thrill of Overlanding because of the cost. Hit the road and have the grandest time when you follow these tips on how to go Overlanding on a budget.

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