Tentsile WebLocks
Tentsile WebLocks

Tentsile WebLocks
Tentsile WebLocks- Lightweight Adjustable Webbing Anchor
Tentsile WebLocks are your lightweight solution for keeping your tree tent securely in place. With three sizes available, these adjustable webbing anchors act as static points for your setup.
Replacing one ratchet, weblocks significantly reduce the weight of your Tentsile Tree Tent, making it easier to carry. But remember, it's crucial to follow instructions carefully to avoid damaging your tent or hammock, or risking injury.
Once you've mastered using one WebLock, you can even replace two ratchets, further simplifying your setup. Just ensure you scout your tent location beforehand for precise alignment.
For safety and to prevent falls, always tie a knot behind the weblock after achieving the desired tension. Finally, be sure to remember to retighten the weblock and retie the knot before each use to maintain tension and prevent slippage, which could lead to damage or injury.
Ultralight WebLock (18mm) is suitable for:
Small WebLock (26mm) is suitable for:
Large WebLock (35mm) is suitable for:
- Connect 2-Person Tree Tent
Safari Connect 2-Person Tree Tent
- Stingray 3-Person Tree Tent
- Safari Stingray 3-Person Tree Tent
Safari Vista 3-Person 3-in-1 Tree Tent
- Trillium Giant 3-Person Hammock
- Safari Trillium Giant 3-Person Hammock
- Materials: Aluminium alloy plates, Stainless steel bolts and Polyester webbing
- Load Capacity: 400kg
- Length: 31.9 cm
- Width: 6 cm
- Height: 3.7 cm
Weight: 180g
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